Kpds 2012 Soruları ve Yanıtları(İlkbahar)

Kpds 2012 Soruları ve Yanıtları(İlkbahar)


Kamu Personeli Dil Sınavı(KPDS) 20 Mayıs 2012 Pazar günü ösym tarafından ilkbahar dönemi yapıldı. İngilizce 80 sorudan oluşan İlkbahar KPDS 2012 sınavının sorularını ve cevapları…


KPDS 2012 İlkbahar Soruları ve Cevaplarını İndir

2012 İlkbahar KPDS sorularını ve cevaplarını Kaydetmek içn Lütfen Sağ Tıklayıp Hedefi Farklı Kaydet‘i seçelim.

2012 İlkbahar(20.05.2012) Kpds Soruları ve Cevaplarını yukarıdan ilgili linklerden indirebilirsiniz… Yorum yapabilir ve sınav ile ilgili soruları burada paylaşabilir ve tartışabilirsiniz…

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35 Responses

  1. ali dedi ki:

    sorulardan biri end up dı

  2. ali dedi ki:

    when, according to , during/to

  3. 2012 kpds dedi ki:

    inşallah sonuc iyi olur sorular yayınlansada hemen baksak artık

  4. veli dedi ki:

    deception sorusunda zorlandım ancak gelde sorular kolay ama şıklar celdiriciydi sanki

  5. ali dedi ki:

    hatırladığınız varmı

    • myekran dedi ki:

      1. intention
      2. appropriately
      3. sophisticated
      4. regulates
      5. end up
      6. allows/is
      7. may have developed/served
      8. during/to
      9. of/from
      10. both/and
      11. when
      12. unless
      13. furthermore
      14. whose

      Cloze Test

      were handed over

      Cloze Test
      originates from
      according to

      • myekran dedi ki:

        -I’m sorry …
        -that’s a huge ..
        -i’ve been waiting
        -Have you ever …
        -even though progress..
        -expecting them ..
        -because ..olympic game sorusu
        -thus the difference..
        -which went..
        -we have some diffrence..
        -pragmatic origins..
        -the first permanent..
        -because their previous..
        -there will be aspects ..

  6. kpds dedi ki:

    originate li soruyu had originated yaptım ben

    • myekran dedi ki:

      1. allows/is
      2. end up
      3. sophisticated
      4. intention
      5. apropriately
      6. regulates
      7. may have developed/served
      8. unless
      9. furthermore
      10. of/from
      11. when
      12. during/to
      13. both/and
      14. whose
      CLOZE 1
      15. by
      16. while
      17. any
      18. were handed over
      19. commonly
      CLOZE 2
      20. in
      21. originates from
      22. according to
      23. closely
      24. as
      25. whereas wealthy
      26. history teachers will need
      27. expecting them to lead a project
      28. but it was a team scientists
      29. the first permanent theatres
      30. so that making purchases
      31. whenever the idea of hosting
      32. we do not usually complain
      34. are passed through
      35. there is no conscious
      36. help an organism
      37. used to assess certain
      38. considered Russian trabsition
      39. the US interest in Russia
      40. the US was not in a position
      41. Russia’s transition to democracy
      PARÇA 3- TRAVEL (international-domectic)
      42. spending on international tourism
      43. the numbers involved
      44. if there were no border
      45. international tourism is becoming
      46. is a process that can
      47. most cases of biological
      48. affects those who maket he wilderness
      49. is under the threat because of
      50. people how fewer signs of
      51. people involved do not
      52. lying involves a lot of mental
      53. describe the nature, manifestation
      54. so apart from animals
      55. well, work as hard as he
      56. you are doing exactly what the study claims
      57. I suppose it’s more about the content of the movie
      58. Both the general public and the people
      59. Although the country seems ready
      60. Partly the cause of cheap genetic sequencing
      61. In addition to an abundant number of species
      62. Have you ever considered that there may be
      63. I have been waiting for an hour to see
      64. I’m sorry I m going to continue
      65. That’s a huge amount of money
      66. but there is another factor
      67. Though previously little known
      68. Nevertheless, Aristo was the first
      69. Yet even they were shocked on Feb 15
      70. When the person’s head moves one side
      71. Animals are fed a high energy
      72. Therefore, the name …common
      73. When it was time to sit down

  7. burak dedi ki:

    gerisi yok mu?,

  8. sedat dedi ki:

    hep yanlışşşş

  9. serkan dedi ki:

    acquire cevaplardan biri degilmiydi?
    cevabi regulates dediginiz soruyu hatirlamiyorum hatirlayan var mi?

  10. nur dedi ki:

    serkan cevabını regulates işaretlediğim sorunun şıklarında vardı acquire merkez bankasıyla ilgili olan soru.

  11. fatma dedi ki:

    Serkan cevabı “regulates” olan sorunun şıklarından biri “acquires” idi. Ben de “regulates” yaptım o soruyu ama senin dediğinin de doğru olma ihtimali yüksek, çok da emin olarak işaretlemedim çünkü.

  12. kerem dedi ki:

    Regulates sorusunun uzun halini hatırlamıyorum ama cevap regulates olacaktı diye hatırlıyorum.

  13. semiha dedi ki:

    teşekkürler.kelime ve gramer ağır değildi. sözel alesten kolaydı

  14. semiha dedi ki:

    serkan,full stoplu sorunun cevabı appropriate;acguire olmaz.regulates de banka sorusunun cevabı.

  15. semiha dedi ki:

    73 e sit downdan önceki cümleyi yanlış dedim.1. ve 2. sorular yer değişecek sanırım.

  16. AKİF dedi ki:


  17. sdasdd dedi ki:

    acquire cevabını düşündüm bende central bank sorusu için fakat burada regulates diyorlar..

  18. gyro dedi ki:

    Şıklarında acquire olan soruyu hatırlıyorum EU merkez bankasıyla ilgiliydi.Yukarıdaki arkadaşın regulates yaptığı soru.Ancak şu an tam olarak emin olamamakla birlikte regulates de bir şekilde tam karşılamıyor gibiydi.

  19. ercan dedi ki:

    69. Yet even they were shocked on Feb 15 şıkkında sanki ölüm oranından bahsediyordu. sonraki olayla alakası yoktu.

  20. saniye dedi ki:

    ben oncekı yılların sorularına da baktım o yıllara gore gayet kolaydı benı zorlayan rus ve amerıka ıle ılgılı paragraftı. Genel olarak gecen yıllara oranla kolaydı dıyebılırm.

  21. sezer dedi ki:

    avrupa biriği mb nın avrupada tek para bölgesi yaratmasıyla alakalı soru

  22. serkan dedi ki:

    bu cevaplar kesin mi ya

  23. serkan dedi ki:

    olası cevaplar mı yoksa kesin mi eminmisin

  24. mehmetozden dedi ki:

    avrupa merkez bankası, monetary union’ın (parasal birliğin) simgesidir düşüncesiyle, “signify” seçeneğini işaretledim.ama regulates de kuvvetli bir ihtimal,zira banka birliğin para politikasını regüle ediyor.
    “yet even..” doğru cevaptı,”ülkede ölüm oranı yüksek, ama yine de şaşırdılar” demek istiyor metin.
    “may have developed/served” seçeneğini silerek “should have developed/has served” yaptım sonradan.gerekçe: konuşan, konunun uzmanı ise “may” kesin olmayan,amatörce bir ifade gibi geldi bana.

    • myekran dedi ki:

      KPDS İLK 14 SORU

      1. intention
      2. appropriately
      3. sophisticated
      4. regulates
      5. end up (colliding with each other)
      6. allows/is
      7. may have developed/served
      8. during/to
      9. of/from
      10. both/and
      11. when
      12. unless (Üniversiteler yazılı neşriyatı okuma konusunda öğrencileri teşvik etmedikçe klasik anlamdaki kütüphaneler yok olacaktır.) (by slvdn)
      13. furthermore
      14. whose

      Soru 1: Forgery is the act of making, reproducing, altering or signing a false document or other instrument with the ____ of defrauding others.

      a.intention b.determination c.development d.prediction e.exception

      Soru 2: The full stop is probably the most used form of punctuation, partly because almost everyone knows how to use it ____

      a.profoundly b.considerably c.redundantly d.dominantly e.appropriately

      Soru 3: The sense of smell, which has not been fully understood yet, is much more ___ than the sense of taste.

      a.endurable b.sophisticated c.attainable d.dedicated e.suitable

      Soru 4: The European System of Central Banks, which ___ a singe monetary policy for the euro zone, consists of the European Central Bank in Frankfurt together with 15 national central banks. (by colt18)

      a.regulates b.acquires c.provokes d.expresses e.signifies

      Soru 5: Leaders wit different political styles have launched daring projects to take Japan out of the economic recession, but in the long run, they may ____ colliding with each other. (by colt18)

      a.fight off b.make out c.give in d.act out e.end up

      Soru 6: Unlike broadcast television, an interactive TV service provider ___ customers to choose which service to use at any given time, whether it ____ shopping, watching a film or playing games.

      a.has allowed / might have been b.allows / is c.allowed / would be d.would allow / should have been allowing / was

      Soru 7: The tradition of sculpting in clay ___ as earyly as AD800, and ultimately it ____ as the point of departure for related works that wew cast in metal.

      a. has developed / had served
      b. would have developed / will serve
      c. may have developed / served
      d. could have developed / will have served
      e. would have developed / has served

      Soru 8: When Sarpsborg was burned down ___ the Nordic 7 year was, Fredrick 2 gave permission for the inhabitants to move ___ a place near the Glomme River.

      a.after/away b.through/from e.during/to

      Soru 9: The degree ___ age-related wrinkling varies considerably ___ person to person, partly due to the amount of exposure.

      a.of/from c.for/between d.towards/with e.about/by

      Soru 10: Generally, social media platforms can be thought of as virtual meeting places which function to encoruage the exchange of media content among was who are ___ producers ___ consumers.

      a. both / and b. more/than c. just/like d. so/that e. such/as

      Soru 11: Crystals are created ___ cooling and crystallization take place at an appropriate depth and with sufficient time.

      a.until b.when d.though e.before

      Soru 12: ____ schools encourage children to read printed books more often, the library, in its traditional form, will eventually disappear.

      a.whenever b.unless c.however d.whereas e.since

      Soru 13: Some popular diet books have misled consumers with deceptive claims, ____ ; they fail to provide an assessment of the results of their treatment plans for obesity.

      a. even so b. nevertheless c. furthermore d. otherwise e. on the contrary

      Soru 14: The social sciences are a rage of disciplines within the arts and humanities ____ principal concerns are the study of various aspects.

      a.what c.when d.whose e.their

      Cloze Test (1)

      15. by
      16. while
      17. any
      18. were handed over
      19. commonly

      Not long ago, Thomas Cook was examining the strong ____. Hist first thoughts were that they had been created ____ aliens. ___ trying to explore the origins of these unusual shapes, he made a discovery ___. He didn’t find ____ evidence of a ufo, but he did find an ____ In accordance with English antiquities law, the coins ___- to the British museum. They were studied and catalogues in the archives and given what is now ___ referred to as a full treasure trove inquest by the museum.

      SORU 1: a.during c.over e.of

      SORU 2: a.until b.since c.once d.whenever e.while

      SORU 3: b.any c.that e.little

      SORU 4: a.are handed over b.would have been handed over c.were handed over d.could be handed over e.had been handed over

      SORU 5: a.endlessly b.relentlessly c.dramatically d.commonly e.deliberately

      Cloze Test (2) (by İbrahimH)

      20. in
      21. originates from
      22. according to
      23. closely
      24. as (by BLUES24)

      A longstanding tradition ____ early childhood education dictates teachers should not interfere in children’s play. This tradition ____ the psychoanalytic view that plays main function is to enable children to work out their inner conflicts. ___ their view, the teacher’s role was to set the stage for play and to observe children. The teachers could then ___ monitor their play for clues about their emotional adjustments. However teachers were cautioned newer to interfere the children’s play ___ such interference might disrupt play inhibit children from. (by colt18)

      SORU 1: d.for

      SORU 2: a.originates from b.can originate from c.would originate from to originate from e.had originated from

      SORU 3: spite of b.according to c.similar to opposed to place of

      SORU 4: a.notably b.forcefully c.abruptly d.closely e.generously

      SORU 5: a. as b.provided that c.even if d.often e.but

      Cümle Tamamlama Soruları

      1. İngilltere olimpiyat ev sahipliği sorusu= …because many people question the value of hosting international events (by İbrahimH)
      2. evliya çelebi ile ilgili soru :……… but finally started to be known globally (by tutanak)
      3. Cümle tamamlama sorularının bir tanesine “SO THAT …” ile başlayan bir seçeneği işaretledim. (by İbrahimH)
      4. If li bir soru vardı ben onu historicians will olan şıkkı yaptım. (by YUSUF340809)
      5. Soruda geçmişte filozofların zekanın doğasına inerken bugünlerde IQ gibi testleri vurguluyorlar gibi bir cevap vardı.Ben onu yaptım. (by YUSUF340809)
      6. Roket sorusu. İnsanlar uzun süredir küçük roketler yaptılar but it was a team scientists of Germany who sent a satellite to… olması lazım. (by YUSUF340809)


      25. …the pragmatic origins IQ tests have recently been
      26. we do not ususlally complain about being busy.
      27. whereas the wealthy would have to do the same by only 2.9 %
      28. history teachers will need to discuss the moral implications of the events with their students.
      29. because many peaople question the value of hosting the O.C
      30. so that making …. from them becomes a part of the customer’s routine.
      31. unless they are genuine innovations with industrial applications.
      32. the first permanent theatres where they could be staged properly were not built until much later.
      33. but it was a team of scientists and engineers in Germany that finally made the dream reality.
      34. expecting them a lead a project successfully is unrealistic.


      …while the early prioness of intelligence testing were mostly interested in theorical questions about the nature of intelligence.

      A) IQ tests initially ignored the development intelligence
      B) Any approve to intelligence must have confronted the qusetion it’s structure
      C) Determining what intelligence is and how its changes has not been easy
      D) The pragmatic origins and uses of IQ test have recently been emphasized
      E) Theorical issues in the intelligence testing tradition have overshadowed practical ones

      Paragraf Soruları

      Paragraph 1 (by genki)

      35. it is understood in the passage that reflexes are passed on through an organisms genetic structure
      36. It is clearly stated in the passage that there is no conscious control over onconditioned reflex
      37. we can understand from the passage that unconditioned reflexes are … that help an organism to protect itself against outside threats.
      38. According to the passage knee jerk reflex is used to assess certain anatomic functions.

      Paragraph 2 (by genki)

      39. Clinton administration considered Russia’s transition to democracy and market economy very important.
      40. In the last decades of 20th Century the US interest in Russiapartly stemmed from Russia’s strategic geologic location.
      41. we can infer from the passage that US was not in a position to ignore the political developments taking place its former adversary
      42. It is implied in the passage that Russia’s transition to democracy would please the US.

      Paragraph 3 (by genki)

      43. the destruction of species is a process that can lead to the disaster for humankind’s future prospects.
      44. most cases of biologic destruction remains unknown to public
      45. Biologic destruction impacts the capacity of a species to produce genetically healthy offspring
      46. Kivi bird is a prime example of what is called a neozic species. (cevap yanlış deniyor)
      Paragraph 4 (by genki)

      47. People show fewer signs of lying if they believe the lies themselves
      48. deception is easier when people involved do not know each other.
      49. According to the passage lying involves a lot of mental processing leading to other side effects.
      50. main aim is to describe the nature, manifestation and mental aspects of deception.

      Paragraph 5 (by genki)

      51. spending on international tourism is about 1/10 of the amount spent on domestic tourism.
      52. the primary challange of measuring domestic tourism is that people do not necessarily stay in hotels , when travelling in their own country.
      53. It can be inferred from the passage that if there were no border, international tourism statistics would be less comprehensive
      54. It is not worthwhile to produce statistics on domestic tourism in some countries.

      Yakın Anlamlı Cümle Soruları

      1. Not only … but also ile devam eden restatement sorusu vardı. O soruyu both … and olan şıkkı işaretledim (by BLUES24)


      59. both the general public and the people working in the area of economics fail to comprehend how theory and practice differ from and relate to each other.
      60. Partly because of cheap sequencing….
      61. In addition to abundant number of animal species…
      62. Although the country seems ready to develop, the president is aware that no economic growth could make up fort he deteriation….

      Paragraf Tamamlama Soruları

      1.Aristolu olan paragraf doldurmayı E şıkkı yaptım. Şıkkı tam hatırlamıyorum ama “Aristo bu psikoloji dalını kurdu” gibi bir şeydi (by YUSUF340809)1-though previously
      2-but there is another
      3-yet even they were..
      4-nevertheless aristotle was… (by Demirhanhodja)


      67. Though previously little is known outside Turkey, Evliya is finally going global.
      68. But there is another factor that can trigger heart problems more immediately
      69. Nevertheless, Aristotle was the first philosopher to identfy and formalize the rules fort his branch of philosophy.
      70. Yet, even they were schocked on February 15th to hear reports of a further consequece of the country’s high crime rate.

      Diyalog Tamamlama Soruları

      1. Siyah beyaz filmlerle ilgili bir soru vardı. It is about the content… diye başlayan şıkkı yaptım. (by niño desconocido)2. WELL , ile başlayan bir cevap vardı(by Fatih Hoca)


      55. I suppose it’s more about the content of the movie than the way it is presented to the audience
      56. You are doing exactly what the study claims. You are refusing to admit you favour onr child over to other
      57. So apart from animals, what else is special about the park?
      58. Well work as hard as he does than you might get one too

      Duruma Uygun İfade Soruları (by İbrahimH) (by BLUES24)

      1. Doktor ile ilgili bir soru var dı bekleme odasında pekçok kişi var adam randevu almış beklemek istemiyor ve resepsiyona gidiyor ve kibarca birşeyler söylüyor: I have been waiting for …. Will I have to wait any longer?
      2. Araba tamirinden bahsedilen soru varı. That’s a huge amount of money. You should have … before … içeren şık doğruydu.
      3. Seminer içerikli soru: I’m going to / will continue anyway. (??)
      4. Bebek bakıcılı soru vardı. “too many childcares … maybe that is the problem” falan diye giden bi şık vardı onu yaptım (by hiphopmania) Çok fazla bakıcı değişmesi sence problemin sebeplerinden birisi olamaz mı diyen seçenek doğru cevaptı.

      Anlam Bütünlüğünü Bozan Cümle Soruları

      1. Galileo ile ilgili soruda bir tuhaflık vardı. sanırım cevap c şıkkı idi. he ile ilgili bir ifade vardı. would içeren seçenek. (by İbrahimH)
      2. Anlamı bozan cümle sorusunda etlerin korunması anlatılıyordu. II si “animals” ile başlayan vardı cevap buydu. (by tutanak)
      3. Anlam bozan soruda telefonu heklenmesi sorusunda IV. şık. Toplantıda nereye oturduklarından, oturma düzeninden bahsediyordu. (by tutanak)
      4. dapne isminin günümüzde kullanılması ile ilgili şık. e şıkkı idi sanırım. (by airborne)


      71. when the person’s head moved to one side, a different bundle of rays would enter the eye from each point ( C )
      72. Therefore the name has been commonly only in this century. ( E )
      73. Animals are fed in a high …every diet … to maket hem grow quickly. ( B )
      74. When it was time to sit down for the meal, everyone took assigned positions, with Murdock sitting in the middle

  25. ferit dedi ki:

    92,75 alıyorum sanırım

  26. ferit dedi ki:

    93 alıyorum sanırım

  27. cogo dedi ki:

    Burdaki birkaç cevabın doğruluğundan şüpheliyim gerçek sonuçlar bi açıklanaydı iyiydi…

  28. yusuf11 dedi ki:

    29. because many peaople question the value of hosting the O.C

    bu soruda bu cevap olmaz.. bi şık vardı tüm katılımcılar altın gümüş bronz madalya kazanmaya çalşmalaryla ilgli cevap o şık.

    27. whereas the wealthy would have to do the same by only 2.9 %

    bu sorudada cevap fakirler ile zengnlern arasndaki farkın büyüdügü şık olacak.

  29. mehmet dedi ki:

    27. whereas the wealthy would have to do the same by only 2.9 %

    bu sorunun tamamını hatırlayan var mı? ben bunu arkadaşın dediği gibi fakirler ve zenginler arasındaki farkın büyüdüğü şık yaptım

  30. Firat dedi ki:

    Fakir zengin sorusu tartışılabilir belki ama gümüş bronz olan sık bence hala doğru sık orda olimpiyatların madalyadan öte bisey olması anlamına himayen söküldüm

  31. Necati dedi ki:

    bu cvpları koymak neden bu kadar zor diye sormayacağım, çünkü artık bunu adet haline getirdiler

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